Sunday, June 24, 2012

New House, New Car, Time to get ready for Baby!

The one thing I've never really had throughout this pregnancy is patience. I've been stalking craigslist and rental websites for the past 3 months looking for a house and bigger car with absolutely NO luck.. until recently.


I really wanted to stay close to my Mom and sister for the first year of Noah's life. And I decided we were NOT living on the North Side of town, I never have and it's just so far away from everything. About 2 months ago there was a house for rent down her street in our price range and it was HORRIBLE. There was no way that would have worked for us.

So.. we continued looking and my Mom tells me that there is another house in our price range down her street. I was like, "Yeah... it's probably just like the other one..." But when we drove by it was actually pretty nice. It's not exactly what I had in mind but we set up an appointment to go see it anyways.
The house has 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. It's an older house, with older looking hardwood floors and textured tan walls. The front door leads into a cute little entry-way hallway and the living room is pretty big and leads outside to a fenced back-yard. The bedrooms are all decently sized, the closets are horribly small though. But I'm sure we'll manage with dressers. The house has a charming older feel to it, and I really like it. I wanted something cute and cozy and close to my Mom's.. so here it is! The house we will be bringing Noah home in. We get to move in next week! I told everyone I wasn't going to get excited about it working out and worry... and things actually worked in our favor.


Actually, excuse me.. Van. Yeah. Mini-van. It seems silly having a mini-van with only one baby on the way... but my Mom's friend from work was looking to sell or trade it and it just so happens that they want to trade our Ford Ranger for it straight across.

I was planning on using the Ranger with the baby and just turning the side airbag off and setting him right beside me. But now that we know Noah will be having special needs, I decided I'd feel much better about having more space for him. I plan on having a lot of kids someday and I DID say I wanted bigger! The trade isn't exactly fair, I'm getting the better deal so I felt like I really couldn't turn down this awesome oppertunity.

I was kind of worried it looks less like a decent family van and more like a trashy van... but the inside has been kept really nice. If I had it my way it wouldn't be white. I'm so tired of white cars... but since I'm learning patience and accepting things instead of being so picky, I said yes. And we seal the deal within the next week!


Time to get ready for Noah! I hit the nesting stage at 5 months and so far I've only accumulated about 15 pieces of outfits. Once we get all moved in next Sunday it's going to be the perfect time to focus on Noah and I cannot wait! So excited :)

Life is finally falling into place for us, and all we had to do was let fate take it's course and lesson learned! We are so thankful :)

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