Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Reconnecting with Blogger.com

After not having my internet and cable connection for months and months, I've finally logged back on. I've missed blogging. Getting all of my feelings out without feeling self-consious or like I'm bothering someone. Blogging gives me freedom. If you want to read my post, here be my guest I'll post the link. If not, that's okay too. It doesn't force anyone to listen or put pressure on people to respond. I love being able to close my eyes and type from my heart and then sit back and read what I've written. Learning things about myself I never even realized I felt until it's out and sitting right in front of me. 

Noah is now 18 months old. He's beautiful, smart, funny, polite and independent. He pushes himself around in either his Zip Zac wheelchair or his (demo) TiLite Twist toddler chair. He amazes me everyday. Because of our last crazy hospital stay in January I've decided that until Noah's medical issues and surgeries calm down I'm too unreliable to work. Noah still isn't saying very many words which was a personal requirement for me before putting him in any type of daycare or Preschool. So I've decided to enjoy staying at home with him until next Fall because I'll be going back to school full time. Then Steven and I will watch him in shifts until he's three and will attend a Special Needs Preschool and hopefully then I'll be finishing up my associates degree and entering my career field. Whatever that may be. Steven got an awesome new job complete with great hours and full insurance. We're getting on track with money again and we're happy and doing well overall. I have an idea for a blog post so I'll post more later. This was just my re-introduction. Glad to be back. <3