Monday, August 27, 2012

Last week = Failed Non-Stress Test & Emergency Ultrasound

Last Tuesday we had our very first weekly appointment. This should be exciting because it means that Noah will be here soon and we are entering the final stage of this pregnancy, however it isn't so much exciting as it is (ironically) stressful to me.

So here begins my rant about Noah failing his non-stress test:

A non-stress test is a non-abrasive test to monitor baby's heart rate and fetal movement and any contractions the mother may be having. They want to see that as baby moves their heart rate goes up. Just like an adult's does when exercising. Moving is the baby's only real form of physical activity in the womb and should "stress" them a little. Seems simple enough, right?

Noah's heart rate was a good steady 155 beats per minute. Which is within a normal range. They wanted his heart beat to increase by 10 bpm while moving and decrease while not moving by 10 bpm. They gave him 20 minutes to complete the test.

Now here is the part that kind of upsets me:

When I went into labor and delivery triage for decreased fetal movement they strapped the two monitors to my stomach VERY TIGHTLY. Noah didn't like having something squishing his tummy space and kicked and hit and rolled like a mad baby trying to get it away from him- which increased his heart rate. They saw the right increase at the hospital whenever I went in.

At this appointment they claimed to have no straps tight enough to fit my stomach? Even though my stomach is large enough for my body and Noah, the nurse claimed I was "too petite" to use real straps. So instead they gave me a mesh tube like thing to place around my stomach to hold the two monitors in place. She started the machine to pick up his heart beat and nothing. She pressed down harder on my stomach with the monitor and boom. There was his heart beat. Turns out this mesh thing was also too big. So I ended up having to hold it myself so it picked up his heart.

I don't think me pressing did ANYTHING to effect him. At triage it made him so upset. So he had very few movements and yep..failed the test.


Yep... that's what they labeled him. I honestly just don't think he was awake and even if he was he wasn't really being provoked to move. They buzzed him with a buzzer that scared the living daylight out of the little guy and made him jump all the way across my tummy. His heart rate increased and he moved away from the sound but then they were dissapointed that it didn't stress him out very much. After only a few moments he was right back to his solid 155 bpm.

Obviously the only one stressed during this appointment was me.

My biggest issue? He has SPINA BIFIDA. He doesn't kick. Barely moves his legs on ultrasound. What makes you think he should be able to move like a baby without Spina Bifida? What if it's harder for him to move from one side on the womb to another? I was told that SB baby's are often given some leeway because they have a harder time with movements. He still hiccups and rolls all the time... but this nurse made it seem like he was just so abnormal for not moving on command.

We were then sent in for an emergency Ultrasound to make sure his umbilical cord wasn't wrapped around his neck or anything to further restrict his movements. This was his second test.

He only had 30 minutes to:
  • Roll completely 
  • Practice breathing for 20 seconds
  • Fully extend his arms 
  • Open his hands 
  • Show an increasing heart rate with movement & decreasing with rest
He needed:
  • Enough amniotic fluid 
  • His cord to be transporting nutrients
When the ultrasound started Noah was kicked back relaxing with his arms behind his head. Total lounging position. What a goof ball. The ultrasound lady wasn't the lady we've always had. Since it was an emergency ultrasound we had to go to the Smith Glenn building of Mercy to have it done in time.  This lady was older and seemed very nice. She cracked up at the fact he was relaxing so much and said, "No wonder he failed, this baby is as relaxed as can be!" She laughed and joked and made me feel much less anxious.

She then pointed out his little toes wiggling.

Which brought on more anxiety because I know he won't be able to wiggle them on his own outside of the womb. It's a very bitter-sweet sight. It's hard to look and know you'll never really see your baby do that other than now. But it's nice to at least be able to see it once.

I calmly mentioned that it didn't mean he'd be able to move his feet or legs though. She looked at me puzzled.. I guess she didn't read our chart that said Noah had Spina Bifida. She must have not known very much about Spina Bifida because even knowing his lesion level she said "Oh no, this little boy will be able to move his legs. Just look at him go."

Which brought a temporary false sense of joy and hope to me. I say temporary because I know deep down I have to be more realistic than that. I think having hope is good, but being realistic and expecting the worst is a smarter, safer way to be. I don't want to get so excited and start picking out a bouncer for the little guy only to be heartbroken whenever his sweet little legs have no motion behind them and now I'm left with a different reality than what I had expected.

We then looked over to the screen to see Noah sucking on his toes. What a strange little being inside of me. He's very flexible due to the Spina Bifida and I guess if your delicious looking little toes are floating close to your face it makes sense to reach out, grab one and suck on it. He's definitely a charismatic little guy already. This is the same baby that gave us a good old thumbs up during his anatomy ultrasound (coincidentally the same ultrasound SB was found.) At least he already has a good sense of humor.

Back to the test though...

By grabbing his feet to suck on them he extended his arms- check.
He also opened his hands to grab his foot- check
Enough amniotic fluid- check
Rolled over and had lots of movement- check
Cord was doing it's job- check
Breathing movements- NONE.

This little stinker didn't want to practice breathing for the ultrasound lady. We were 20 minutes in and nothing. Oh goodness. We were sure he would fail this test too. What would that have meant from there? Surprise hospital visit? THEN... 10 minutes before his test was up.. he practiced breathing. The little rocking motion of his body helped him pass his test. Obviously Noah doesn't want to play by anyone else's rules but his own. But I'm so thankful he decided to finally cooperate.

The ultrasound lady gave him his first A+ on his test and we were sent home with some sweet new pictures of the little guy. He already has hair AND fat rolls. Goodness. This little boy sure is something.. and he's not even here yet. What a crazy, eventful journey this will be.

Tomorrow we have our second non-stress test and a less tedious ultrasound. We're praying that he passes with flying colors this time. And I may cheat a little and have some soda or sweet tea before just to make sure he's good and awake for them ;)

By the end of the day Steven and I ended up laughing and joking and saying things to my tummy like:

"It's okay Noah.. Mommy isn't a very good test taker either."
"But at least you ended up with an A."
"So no excuses your whole life.. You were an A student in the womb. We expect nothing less.. "
"Study harder next time."
"But it's okay, we're proud of you."

Being a parent makes you say some crazy things... and like I said, Noah isn't even here yet. Parenthood is going to be a blast ;) 

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