Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ultrasound Tomorrow Morning

Since we had all of our big appointments in the beginning of July it feels like forever since we've had any appointments. Honestly it's been really nice. I've been able to forget about something else being wrong with Noah and just enjoy being pregnant. I've appreciated all of this down time. But all good things of coarse have to come to an end and tomorrow we will be back at our doctors office.

For our 7 month ultrasound the receptionist scheduled it too soon and things hadn't changed much from his 6 month ultrasound... Most likely because it hadn't been very long since his 6 month one. So we're pretty nervous for this one. He's had almost 2 months to get worse. I know that there is nothing we can do about him getting worse.. Its just hard to hear.

If you'd like..please keep our little guy in your prayers tonight. We need for him to start stabilizing.. Yet he just keeps getting worse slowly.

We're praying that:

-The fluid on his brain hasn't accumulated and gotten worse.

-That his "bubble" on his back remains intact and hasn't built up fluid either.

-Also that his bubble hasn't grown or changed in size dramatically.

-That his feet have not clubbed.

Clubbed feet are fixable with surgery.. But it would just be ONE more surgery for Noah to go through and preferably we don't want that. :(

-That he is still on track for length and weight.

-That no more health problems have arrived.

I say it all the time, if Spina Bifida is his only health condition then I will be so glad. So many other things could go wrong as well and we feel blessed that so far this is it.

We love our little guy so much. I really hope tomorrow goes well. Hopefully we'll figure out based on his health where to go from here. Maybe we'll figure out a week for delivery and talk about things like that. I really hope so. I'll post a blog tomorrow about what we've found out.

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