Friday, June 15, 2012

A kick or a hand? What am I feeling?!

Because this is my first child I honestly have no clue what I'm feeling when I feel movements. Rolling? A kick? A hand? I'm clueless.

Noah may have temporary paralysis because of the SB. Which is normal. His peices aren't connected just right, but after the surgery whenever they are THAT is when we will know how much feeling and movement he is capable of. On my last ultrasound we saw his legs moving. The ultrasound technician told me not to get my hopes up.. because some movement in his legs might be involuntary due to being in amniotic fluid.. but she's seen a lot of healthy baby's leg movement.. and she said that it seemed voluntary.

I had some bleeding last week and because I'm RH negative I had to go into Labor and Delivery to check my RH level and make sure I'm not producing too much. Which is usually just a worry with my second pregnancy. But we wanted to check just in case. Good news is that everything is fine that has to do with my RH levels. I'll take any good news we can get.

They put a fetal contraction monitor around my belly and Noah decided he didn't like that squishing his tummy space and kicked the living daylight out of it. The nurse had no idea he had SB and told us that we had an active kicking baby!

If Noah already has feeling in his legs, I'd be so greatful. We always catch ourselves saying, "Noah is kicking! Look at that kick! That was a big one" And then realize that it may not be his little feet after all.

But either way he is already one tough little boy. Who is strong as can be.. and even fooled one of the nurses at St. Johns ;) No matter what it is that I'm feeling.. I'm just thankful that I get the oppertunity to feel his cute little movements. It gives him so much personality, it's amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Already you have a boy who wants to prove those doctors wrong. :)
