Monday, July 9, 2012

"Hi Labor and Delievery Triage! It's me again!"

Twice. Yes this makes it twice that I've gone to the Labor and Delivery Triage with worries and been sent home just fine.

The first time I went in:

I was told to by a nurse. I'm RH negative (which doesn't affect this pregnancy, but might affect my second) and everytime I will bleed in my second pregnancy, I'll need a shot. Well I went for a walk and came back and noticed I bled. I knew that bleeding during pregnancy was normal, but I told my Mom and she wanted me to call my doctor and make sure. Since this is a High Risk pregnancy, any little abnormality might be a cause for concern. We got ahold of her nurse and she looked and saw my chart said RH negative and said to go to the hospital right now and get checked out, I'd need a shot. I wasn't sure about it... but I went anyway.

Everything was fine. Noah's heart-beat was stable and the blood was just from the walk. Which happens. The nurses were glad that I would rather be safe than sorry, but I felt silly and was sent home.

The second time I went in:

Which was Friday, I hadn't felt Noah move in a couple days. And being the lovely concerned Mother I already so obviously am ( Hehe ) I went in. We have been moving and even though I haven't been helping much, I still wondered if maybe his bubble on his back burst or if he was tangled in the umbilical cord or something.

The first nurse who took my vitals asked when was the last time I had felt normal movements and when I said two days ago she seemed really upset. And asked me "What was I waiting for after the first hour I didn't feel movements?" Oh gosh. I felt absolutely horrible. I told her it was my first pregnancy and baby had Spina Bifida so I wasn't sure if the 5 kicks an hour still applied? Since he doesn't kick? She apologized and felt bad. I told her it was okay... she had no idea baby had SB... It was just a weird experience.

The second nurse came in and strapped the fetal monitor really tight to my tummy and we listened to his heart beat and wouldn't you know... Noah decided he didn't want anything squishing his tummy space and kicked and punched and rolled like a mad baby.

We were going to stay an hour to count his kicks and make sure there were 5 an hour... and in 10 minutes we'd already felt 8 kicks.

Gee thanks Noah for making Mommy look silly again... Even though I'm definitely NOT complaining! If he proved me wrong everyday for the rest of my life I'd TOTALLY be okay with that.

The nurse prescribed me and Steven to get some Andy's and go home. She even let me sit for an extra 10 minutes with his heart beat turned up just to make me feel better and know that he was okay. Best sound/feeling ever. I'm glad the nurses were glad I was concerned instead of being annoyed that I came in and everything was fine. Better safe than sorry!

My THIRD trip to Labor and Delivery will be:

My NICU visit in three days. I'm scared and nervous.. yet excited and thankful that I get the chance to see what the NICU will be like before I get to experience it. I'll get to see little babies all hooked up to machines and tubes and monitors and meet the nurses I'll be dealing with too. I can't imagine what it's like for Mothers who expect perfectly healthy babies and end up in the NICU. It would be so overwhelming. At least Steven and I will get a tour and know what to prepare for. I'm so thankful for that.


The NEXT NEXT time I'll be in the Labor and Delivery area will (hopefully) be when little Noah is born! Fingers crossed of coarse! :)

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