Friday, July 13, 2012

7 mo. Ultrasound Update

Right now we only have a few months left until Noah arrives. So as long as nothing gets WORSE, we'll be prepared for everything we'll have to face with him. We constantly pray for stable ultrasounds. No news is good news at this point.

Here is what we found out:
  • Noah's fluid in his brain has gotten worse. :(
This can be a bad thing or a kind of alright thing depending on how you look at it. If his fluid escalates after his spine surgery then he'll be having the shunt surgery during his NICU visit. If not, he'll come home and I'll be on constant watch for the fluid worsening. The shunt is irreversible and they don't want to perform the surgery unless it's absolutely necessary. Even though 85% of SB children need one. I'd prefer if he had the surgery while we were there instead of being readmitted a few weeks later. This was something I was dreading hearing.
  • His bubble is still intact and hasn't gotten bigger.
Our pediatric neurosurgeon said that if the bubble bursts it makes no difference. However, our High Risk Specialist thinks that it could damage more nerves and spinal cord if the bubble breaks. Which is why she doesn't want me working and straining my body. So who knows. I just don't want it to burst at get worse. Seeing it on the ultrasound was actually for once a relief.
  • One foot is not clubbed yet.. the other is questionable.
Noah had his little legs crossed at the ankle so the ultrasound tech couldn't get a for sure answer on his right foot. At one angle it looked a little clubbed.. but at another angle it didn't. She said if it was clubbed it would look clubbed from every angle. So we're not sure on that one. I just really wish that his feet and legs not being clubbed would be one less surgery and worry :( But it's not exactly looking that way.

THIS is the trimester that everything could take a turn for the even worse.

What has been stable to this point could all change.

  • His kidneys still look fine and we know FOR SURE he is peeing into the amniotic fluid and swallowing it. Which is a sign he may not need to be cathed as a newborn. Everything could still change though. We won't know for sure until he's born.

  • His heart is strong and he's still right on track as far as growing and weight go. And I've gained the right amount for this month as well.

He's pretty healthy in every other way possible besides his spine and fluid on the brain as far as we can tell. Which is a relief, but like I said before. Nothing is set in stone. I guess I'm just a little bummed about the extra fluid. It looks like so much on the ultrasound. His poor little brain just looks filled. It breaks my heart... I just want him to be okay. I know it could be worse, but nobody wants to hear bad news. I just want my little baby to be okay. Hmm.

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