Sunday, July 22, 2012

28 Week Update

While updating this.. I'm actually technically 29 weeks along. But I still don't have Internet at the house yet. So sorry this is a little behind.

Here are some cool new things that have happened in week 28:
  • Noah had the hiccups for the first time! And according to our baby book this was the exact week most babies first get the hiccups. Yay :)
  • Noah is recognizing his name. This isn't exactly a proven fact...but he rolls and hits every single time we say Noah and then we laugh. So it just seems like a fun little game now.. but maybe he'll remember and recognize it outside of my belly. Genius baby!
  • My belly button has gone crazy. People laugh and point it out through my shirts.. and I have just gotten to the point where I say, "Yeah... don't ask. It's doing it's own thing." Because is seriously has. I would consider my pre-preggo belly button as an "innie-outie" and since it's kind of both.. it's not sure what to do now. It's not completely poked out.. but it wants to be? I don't know.. don't ask.
  • Maternity pictures were done this week :) I have a picture of one in the post below this one. They were done by my sister and she did an awesome job :) Couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out. We're going to do some more casual ones soon too.
  • Baby shower is in a few weeks! I'm excited and nervous. I'm so glad people are excited to go and it seems like there will be a pretty good amount of people who will be able to make it.. which is awesome! The last party I had for myself was in 6th grade and only one of my friends showed up because it was during an ice storm. So fingers crossed that this one turns out to be a hit :) 

Since we had all of our doctors appointments at once in the beginning of July, this month has been nice and relaxing. I like getting them all done at once. Instead of being nervous for appointments, I've been able to relax and enjoy being fat and happy! Oh. Another update to add to the list:
I read in our baby book that Noah is starting to pack on the pounds and is on his way to becoming a chunky squishy pink baby.. therefore my job is to make sure I don't eat us out of house and home. For some reason food just seems so appealing lately! I can't eat big meals because I feel like my stomach is going to explode.. so instead I snack on little meals.. ALL THE TIME. I feel like I'm a non-stop eating machine! Yikes! At least I'm keeping it healthy though.. and I don't have a sweet tooth whatsoever... but still!
If someone wanted to bring me Jimmy Johns.. I wouldn't oppose.

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