Friday, April 26, 2013

Helmet Time

After 4 months of weekly therapy to help resolve Noah's torticollus (stiff neck) from his shunt infection/surgeries his torticollus is finally gone and completely healed! Yay! HOWEVER, his flat head from those surgeries (and not being able to lay on his shunt side of his head) isn't rounding out by itself. So in a week or so goes and gets fitted for his cranial molding helmet. It breaks my heart that he'll need one but I'm just ready to get it on and off as soon as possible.

It isn't medically necessary, it's just a cosmetic/personal choice. We decided on a white helmet so we can decorate it freely. He'll need it on for 3-6 months. He'll need it literally on his head 23 hours a day. Big commitment but I'm ready. I'm not sure who this little girl in the picture above is (found it on google) but she definitely proves that it's easy to still be adorable even with a helmet. So hopefully Noah will be able to rock one as easily too. :)

I feel like other parents see Noah's flat head and instantly judge me. I'm sure they think that I'm just a horrible teen Mom who leaves my baby on one side all the time. Which is so far from being true. Little do they know he's had 5 surgeries and works his butt off in therapy each week to progress and heal his neck so he won't want to lay on that side anymore. I do stretches with his neck every single diaper change. That's a big commitment as well. So I just let people stare. Now he'll have a helmet and I'm sure the looks won't get any better or easier to handle but at least he'll be improving. All that matters to me is Noah's future. I'll post pics as soon as his helmet comes in. :)

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