Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dear Noah,

Right now you're sound asleep in your crib. Sleeping so innocent and peacefully. I wonder what you're dreaming about. Daddy is watching TV and Toby is cuddled up by my feet. You're 6 months old. My love for you is completely undescribable. You are
so talkative and happy all of the time. This week I've been gone all day for my real estate class. I can't help but sit in class and wonder what you might be doing or thinking. Hoping that you're smiling and happy. Wishing I could be with you every moment of every day. Your second tooth just surfaced and you've been sort of grumpy lately. Even at your crankiest you still bring so much joy to me. I wish I could freeze time and enjoy you being this little for so much longer than the time I've been given. You are growing so fast. You are absolutely wonderful. I pray every night Daddy and I will be able to give you a very fufilling, happy life and that you turn out to be an amazing, inspirational little boy. I pray you never let anything hold you back and find joy in every aspect of life.

Maybe someday you'll look back and read this. I'm sure my love for you will never change. But it might be nice to look back and read exactly how I feel.

Love Always,


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