Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pediatrician? Check!

Yay! We are breathing a big sigh of relief :)
We finally found a good pediatrician for our little Noah. We had a few options to go through different places and finally decided to stick with Mercy Hospital. All of Noah's doctors will be through there so hopefully it'll make it easier on us with all of the frequent appointments he'll be having. We set up a consultation to see a brand new pediatrician and honestly we were very nervous about it. Our biggest goal was to find a pediatrician who was very familiar with Spina Bifida and had treated other patients with it. Sadly this goal was somewhat unachievable. We've always had to option to receive treatment in St. Louis at their Spina Bifida clinic but we never chose to. It's too far away from home. After meeting Dr. Stole we automatically decided that her lack of experience with Spina Bifida wasn't really as important as we thought. She's been in her practice for many years and plans on retiring in Springfield. We had it in our heads that she would be fresh out of medical school and unreliable and jump hospitals frequently. We were very pleased to find out that this isn't the case. We need a pediatrician to be with him throughout his childhood and will know his exact case and abilities and so fourth. She really seemed to want Noah as a patient! Which is a good feeling. She said she'd brush up on her knowledge of SB and was excited to have it in her resume that she's seen and treated a child with this special need. The extra effort she's willing to put into our little guy is amazing. I'm so glad we didn't have to settle with a pediatrician out of town. She has a light-hearted outgoing personality and I feel really good about it. So glad that this decision is over. She's going to come meet Noah after he is born and visit with us for a while and see how we're doing and how everything is going after all of the surgeries. I'm so pleased with all of the medical staff we've met so far. It really takes a special person to be so caring and committed to so many patients and I really feel like Noah will be in the best hands. Phew. My Mommy instincts are telling me that so far everything is looking good and now we can finally relax a little before our little man arrives!

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