Thursday, September 27, 2012

No baby for us yet.

We knew that before we were to have the c-section for Noah that we were going to have an amniocentesis done to make sure his little lungs were mature. I took two rounds of steroid shots to help hurry his lungs along with the process. His chances of having immature lungs at 38 weeks was 2%. And guess what... they aren't ready yet.

Now I feel so silly for getting my hopes up that we would be having him Tuesday. But with a 2% chance, who wouldn't?

Here's how it goes:

Immature lungs: 14-45
Mature lungs: 50+

Noah's are at 42. I'm not sure what the number stands for exactly. But he's so close it's unreal. My due date may be a little off and I could actually only be 36 or 37 weeks. According to the research I've done boy's lung's are slower to mature than girls are. So who knows. Honestly it's got me feeling a little worried. The chances of Noah having Spina Bifida were 1 in 10,000. And now he's defied this very small 2% chance as well. I just pray and pray that little guy doesn't have anything else going against him. My biggest fear about having an amnio done was finding out last minute that he also has chromosomal deletions or duplicates or other diagnosis and disorders. Often times when a baby has a defect it's common to have other problems as well. It's not always the case, but it does happen.

Noah's amniotic fluid was sent to Minnesota for further testing. The nurse scheduled us for a noon c-section for Friday. Which happens to be tomorrow. These past few days have drug on so much. I'm anxiously awaiting a call from our high risk specialist to confirm that Noah's lungs will be ready and that the c-section is still scheduled. Which I haven't received. The results were supposed to be in today and TODAY she was supposed to call. Which means I'll be calling Labor and Delivery early tomorrow morning to confirm that we need to come in I guess. I wish I knew what was going on. I just want to know that everything came back normal with Noah and that by tomorrow his lungs will be past 50 and I'll get to meet my sweet little guy. Sigh. I don't even feel the excited butterflies that I had Monday night. I'm afraid to get my hopes up, and even more afraid to hear bad news. I love Noah so much I can't even imagine more things going wrong. I'm trying to stay positive and be thankful though.

Even though I am disappointed we couldn't meet our little guy sooner I am so glad that we found out that his lungs weren't ready before having him. The thought of seeing him after the delivery and not hearing a cry completely breaks my heart. I can't even imagine how scared I would have been. Babies with immature lungs usually require a 6 day NICU stay. Which would have meant 6 days before Noah could have had his surgery.. which isn't okay. The sooner the surgery the better and less risk of an infection. I'm putting all of my faith into God. Tuesday just wasn't meant to be and Noah needs a little more time to cook. I love having him in my belly and after finally facing my fears with the amniocentesis it's was almost a nice relief to go home and relax. I'll post a blog later about our hospital experience and the amnio.

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